About WSKSiM

Welcome back to our weekly presentation! Today it’s the turn of Wyższa Szkoła Kultury Społecznej i Medialnej, WSKSiM.
The College of Social and Media Culture (CSMC) is an independent HE institution in Poland. It was established on 14th August 2001. The founder of the College is Rev. Tadeusz Rydzyk, PhD, the director of „Radio Maryja” and the founder of a TV channel „TRWAM”. The school has adopted the following epigraph: Fides, Ratio et Patria, i.e. Faith, Mind and Homeland.
At the beginning of its activity the College contained the faculties of Social Policy and Media Culture. In the academic year 2005/2006, following a positive evaluation by the State Accreditation Committee, the CSMS undertook the efforts to gain permission to offer Master courses at the department of Political Science. On 26th September 2006, the Minister of Science and Higher Education entitled the Department of Social and Media Culture to offer Master courses in Political Science as well as undergraduate engineering courses in Computer Science.
In the academic year 2015/16 CSMC extended its offerings to include Masters in Journalism and Social Communication, and since 2017, there have been courses in the field of media informatics.
At the moment we educate in five fields of study. In recent years, our college has been repeatedly evaluated by the Polish Accreditation Committee, the only legally empowered institution in Poland dedicated to the evaluation of the quality of higher education. All faculties at our college have been positively evaluated and Journalism and Social Communication received an award of ‘outstanding’ – the highest rating awarded by the Polish Accreditation Committee. This evaluation covered the quality of education, the curriculum, teaching facilities and quality assurance system. We are the only non-public college in Poland, to have been assessed as outstanding in Journalism and Social Communication.
We use the latest educational technology, offering lectures on-line and on the Gmail platform.
We are the only media college in Poland providing regular student training in radio and television studios as well as newspapers.
Our best students receive training in the Polish Parliament, the EU Parliament and other institutions.
We offer excellent accommodation in our Academic Hotel located by the Vistula River.

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#erasmus #RIPEC #RIPEC2.0

RIPEC Family Team – Final spot :-)

February 23, 2023 3 messages Krystian Chołaszczyński
#erasmus #staff_week #Georgia

RIPEC Project at the 5th International Staff Week at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in Georgia

February 10, 2023 5 messages Krystian Chołaszczyński

What are the benefits of Erasmus mobility?

November 26, 2022 11 messages Isabella Querci
Ripec CTA

Erasmus during the COVID19 emergency: DATA AVAILABLE

Our researchers have gathered different informations, experiences and initiatives in the management of the Erasmus Community during COVID19 emergency. In particular, two of the project’s outputs focused on the aforementioned topics:

  • In the IO1, the researcher interviewed around 100 between incoming/outgoing students and IR/E+ offices staff;
  • The IO5 provides an open-access Blueprint is a practical instrument, easy to read and capable of immediate application.

Click on the button below to discover our findings.