RIPEC research team has published several articles on the topic of Innovative Practices in Emergency Management of Erasmus Community.
You can find them here:
- Research for Innovative Practices in Emergency Management of Erasmus Community, in
International Journal of Computing and Optimization, 2020, Vol. 7 n. 2, (ISSN 2367-5594) by Prof. Andrea Colantoni (UNITUS) e Prof.ssa Isabella Querci (CA) - ‘Good practices for teaching during crises: the findings of RIPEC project’ paper discussed at the Round Table: Crisis teaching experiences by Prof. Yannis Skarpelos (Panteion University)
- ‘Chatbot to Provide Initial Assistance to Erasmus Students in Case of Emergency’ paper presented at the Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality by Prof. Antonio Balderas Alberico (UCA).