YOU can NOW shape Europe via the Conference on the Future of Europe

The Conference on the Future of Europe (#CoFoE) is a great opportunity for citizens to shape the EU. This is even more relevant in these times of rapid changes! The CoFoE platform is a unique channel to be the protagonist, but how does it work exactly?

On 16 June the European Parliament hosted the official launch of the CoFoE with the purpose of promoting citizens’ participation in the EU’s policy making. The CoFoE is led by a joint presidency chaired by the president of the European Parliament, the President of the Council, and the President of the European Commission.

The CoFoE has set up a digital platform acting as the hub of the Conference and allowing citizens to log in, share their thoughts on Europe and the changes that need to happen, but also to find events nearby linked to the CoFoE, to look at what EU citizens like you have shared. Inputs by citizens have a social function on the platform, allowing for live engagement and exciting discussions that EU institutions will analyse and consider in shaping future EU policies and actions.

Young people have been left out of decision-making for far too long. Time to make a change. We’re creating a new movement, one where all of us, the unheard 25% of people in Europe, can make our voices heard.

A key question then is how to provide inputs on the CoFoE platform that can truly create a change and an impact. No worries though, we got you covered!


The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is partnering with the European Youth Forum (YFJ) to increase the quantity and impact of inputs coming specifically from youth, who represent one-quarter of the EU citizens! What does it mean?

YFJ has created a virtual space through the 25 percent project to gather the CoFoE inputs specifically of youth. These inputs will be gathered, studied, and combined into streamlined, powerful, and representative inputs that will go into the CoFoE portal so that your voice WILL be heard and WILL shape Europe! 

How can the 25 percent help your voice to shape Europe and how can it make every single one of your inputs count?

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7 responses to “YOU can NOW shape Europe via the Conference on the Future of Europe”

  1. Krystian Chołaszczyński says:

    Greetings from Poland!
    I totally agree!
    The future belongs to digitization. Europe, the European Union cannot do away with this.
    Already, many of our activities are online.
    The current pandemic crisis has only accelerated processes that were already taking place before.
    I cannot remain indifferent to the factors destabilizing our societies.
    Sometimes I wonder if this digital revolution is too fast.
    I will not hide that as an academic teacher I prefer face-to-face classes.
    Of course, modern technology is very helpful. But the depression process among adolescents is increasing, the flow of knowledge is less, etc.
    So let’s start a serious discussion about the pros and cons of this revolution …

  2. trovent says:

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