Erasmus+ : Opportunities for individuals

For nearly 30 years, the EU has funded the Erasmus programme, which has enabled over three million European students to spend part of their studies at another higher education institution or with an organisation in Europe.

Erasmus+ brings such opportunities to all – students, staff, trainees, teachers, volunteers and more. It’s not just about Europe or Europeans either – with Erasmus+, people from all over the world can access opportunities.

The following list presents these opportunities according to various profiles.

Opportunities for


Studying abroad is a central part of Erasmus+ and has been shown to have a positive effect on later job prospects. It is also a chance to improve language skills, gain self-confidence and independence and immerse yourself in a new culture.

Staff (teaching)

With Erasmus+, opportunities are available to spend time teaching at an education institution abroad. These opportunities are available to both staff working in the education sector and to individuals working outside the sector invited to share their knowledge and experience.

Staff (training)

With Erasmus+, training opportunities are available to staff working in education, both in teaching and non-teaching capacities. Training periods abroad can consist of job shadowing, observation periods or specific training courses abroad.


Erasmus+ aims at making learning mobility a realistic possibility for any pupil in school education. The cultural understanding and language skills you develop through studying in another country can make it easier to find a job after your studies. The programme fosters the recognition of learning outcomes of pupils in mobility periods abroad.


Erasmus+ helps you gain valuable experience in the workplace by supporting traineeships abroad. Erasmus+ support for traineeships is available for higher education students and recent graduates, as well as vocational education and training students, apprentices and recent graduates.

Adult learners

Erasmus+ aims at raising the participation of adults of all ages and socio-economic background in adult education, especially by fostering participation of organisations working with disadvantaged learners, small adult education providers, newcomers to the Programme and less experienced organisations, as well as community-based grassroots organisations.

Young people

Erasmus+ is open to all young people, not just those currently enrolled in education or training. With Erasmus+, you can volunteer across Europe and beyond or participate in a youth exchange abroad.

Youth workers

Erasmus+ supports the professional development of youth workers through training or networking periods abroad. Periods abroad can consist of training courses, study visits, job shadowing or observation periods at relevant organisations and more.

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9 responses to “Erasmus+ : Opportunities for individuals”

  1. Milagros Huerta Gómez de Merodio says:

    Indeed, I have been on several occasions of Erasmus + as a teacher.

    It has really been a very good opportunity to meet other teachers, their way of teaching and the projects they work on.

    We have made a very good relationship and, after several years, we have continued to maintain contact and collaborate with new projects.

    Erasmus is also a very good opportunity for teachers!

  2. Lisa Lonati says:

    As we know, the Erasmus is definitely an added value in the academic field.
    It embrace every part of personal, academic and professional growth, helping both adults and youth form themselves through experiences of sharing, comparing, and learning.
    Plus, the net of relations that come with the Erasmus experience is extremely valuable and profitable. In a nutshell, it’s a win-win situation all around!

  3. Krystian Chołaszczyński says:

    Greetings from Poland!
    I personally had the opportunity to use the Erasmus + program several times.
    Unfortunately, not as a student, which I regret very much.
    For several years, I have been regularly attending lectures and training. I know from experience that this is the best way to build permanent relationships with partners, the effects of which can only be seen in retrospect.
    Joint conferences, articles, studies, etc.
    It would not be possible without the great Erasmus + program.
    Thank you very much!

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