About Carolina Albasio

Every Wednesday starting from today, the partners will introduce themselves.
Let’s start with Scuola Superiore Carolina Albasio, RIPEC coordinator.
Scuola Superiore Carolina Albasio is a small, highly technological teaching and research excellence situated in Castellanza, near Milan.
The students are taught oral and written linguistic skills in at least two foreign languages, alongside with notions in economic, legal, historical, political, socio-anthropological and literary fields.
The University has also created innovation clusters and research centers to cooperate with enterprises in various business fields. Three types of research are carried out: basic research, applied research and experimental development. Thanks to spin-off projects, an increasing number of enterprises are involving Professors – and sometimes students – in a great variety of research projects.
The mobility projects has contributed to improving the quality of education, skills and knowledge and to a great reflection on the main education areas shared with our international partners.
To learn more, feel free to visit the website: https://www.albasio.eu/

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#erasmus #RIPEC #RIPEC2.0

RIPEC Family Team – Final spot :-)

February 23, 2023 3 messages Krystian Chołaszczyński
#erasmus #staff_week #Georgia

RIPEC Project at the 5th International Staff Week at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in Georgia

February 10, 2023 5 messages Krystian Chołaszczyński

What are the benefits of Erasmus mobility?

November 26, 2022 11 messages Isabella Querci
Ripec CTA

Erasmus during the COVID19 emergency: DATA AVAILABLE

Our researchers have gathered different informations, experiences and initiatives in the management of the Erasmus Community during COVID19 emergency. In particular, two of the project’s outputs focused on the aforementioned topics:

  • In the IO1, the researcher interviewed around 100 between incoming/outgoing students and IR/E+ offices staff;
  • The IO5 provides an open-access Blueprint is a practical instrument, easy to read and capable of immediate application.

Click on the button below to discover our findings.