ESN is raising awareness on the topic of homelessness in Europe

Erasmus Student Network Greece (ESN Greece) in collaboration with the respective national organizations of Austria, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, The Netherlands and ESN Hamburg are preparing to launch ‘’Hidden Cities”; an initiative that aims to shed some light on the living conditions of people who are homeless around Europe. We hope to erase the stigma that surrounds homelessness through education, dialogue and numerous activities that bring together more than 5 countries.

During the weekend of November 28th and 29th, everyone interested will have the opportunity to participate for free in our planned activities:

“Hidden Stories” is about listening to a stranger’s personal story without judgment and prejudice. Homeless people from all around Europe share their stories, describing how they found themselves without a home, what difficulties they have had to face, as well as how it feels to deal with discrimination and social stereotypes.

Homelessness has implications on the present and the future, on society as a whole, and on our communities. It may start with the availability and accessibility of healthcare, labour, social safety, or topics beyond our generalized understanding of what homelessness entails and how it is caused. In this Webinar: Homelessness in Europe you will understand more about the length of this problem through the eyes of many NGOs from different European cities. Furthermore, they will share their work and explain how they operate in order to eradicate homelessness, one person, one family at a time.


The participating NGOs are: ShediaInvisible CitiesServe the City ParisНочлежка (, Sant’EgidioGoodwillcentra Amsterdam

The project “Hidden Cities” is organized within the Social Inclusion Days: Between the 23rd of November and the 7th of December 2020, more than 500 local associations of ESN will promote activities that aim at integrating the international students into the local communities and vice-versa. With this initiative, international students will have opportunities to better understand their host communities and become aware of the issues among them; to work together with the volunteers on boosting the social inclusiveness of these communities; to spread awareness on social causes and to have a tangible impact, while increasing their sense of solidarity at the same time.

You can find and participate in more activities by following the link

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ESN – Erasmus Student Network in Greece

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