2022 Erasmus+ European Universities call launched

To support the further rollout of the European Universities initiative, a new Erasmus+ call for proposals to support European Universities across Europe has been launched with a record total budget of €272 million.

The European Universities support systemic, structural and sustainable transnational cooperation among diverse higher education institutions across Europe, covering all their missions: education, research, innovation and service to society.

Through innovative and diverse models of long-term integrated cooperation, European Universities promote common European values and a strengthened European identity, and support the higher education institutions to make a substantial leap in quality, performance, attractiveness and international competitiveness.



Structure of the call

The call is structured around 2 topics.

  • Topic 1: intensification of prior deep institutional transnational cooperation

This call topic will provide support for already existing deep institutional transnational cooperation alliances including, but not limited to, the European Universities alliances selected under the 2019 Erasmus+ call for proposals.

The aim is to build upon the institutional cooperation achieved so far and to further deepen, intensify and expand the effectiveness of this existing cooperation in order to progress towards the long-term vision of the ‘European Universities’. New higher education institutions have the opportunity to join these existing alliances as full partners.

  • Topic 2: development of new deep institutional transnational cooperation

This call topic will provide support for applicants wishing to establish new deep institutional transnational cooperation in a new ‘European Universities’ alliance.

How to apply

Find the call for proposals for the 2022 Erasmus+ European Universities.

The deadline for applications submission is 22 March 2022.

The call is an open competitive call based on qualitative criteria.


The 2022 call aims to deliver on the ambitious objectives set for the initiative in the Council Conclusions on the European Universities initiative from 17 May 2021 .

It builds on the success of the first two calls launched in 2019 and 2020. These support 41 alliances gathering over 280 higher education institutions from all over Europe.

Read more about the European Universities initiative

Organised by DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture and the Education and Culture Executive Agency, an open information session for potential applicants which took place on the 14 December 2021 through webstreaming.


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Erasmus during the COVID19 emergency: DATA AVAILABLE

Our researchers have gathered different informations, experiences and initiatives in the management of the Erasmus Community during COVID19 emergency. In particular, two of the project’s outputs focused on the aforementioned topics:

  • In the IO1, the researcher interviewed around 100 between incoming/outgoing students and IR/E+ offices staff;
  • The IO5 provides an open-access Blueprint is a practical instrument, easy to read and capable of immediate application.

Click on the button below to discover our findings.